GTR-Watchface V2

Watchface for Amazfit TRex2, TRex Ultra, GTR3, Cheetah Round…

Watchface compatible with Watchdrip mini-app v2.0.2 or higher for compatibility with ZeppOS 3, Zeppos 3.5 and Zeppos 4.

Important –> you need to update Watchdrip mini-app v2.0.2 for zeppos 3.5 and zeppos 4…

No editable, fast data update, AOD compatible.

Watchface meta info

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QR code in ZEPP app to install Watch Face

To install this Watch Face onto your Watch, scan the QR code in  Zepp App.

To receive glucose data on your watch, you would also need to Install Watchdrip+ watch app and Watchdrip+ phone app. 

For more detail, see configuration tutorial

QR code